Welcome to Channel Health Alliance

Providing NHS Services

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Who is Channel Health Alliance?

Since Channel Health Alliance was established in April of 2017, we are delighted to have attained accreditation with the Care Quality Commission, and a CQC rating of good which only a few federations have achieved.

Channel Health Alliance has embraced the continuing challenges faced by health and social care which has enabled us to provide high quality, innovative services for our diverse population.

Home Visiting Service

The Home Visiting Service (HVS) team is made up of nurses, paramedics and HCAs who visit patients at home with a wide range of health issues to support primary care with face-to-face visits whilst preventing unnecessary hospital attendances.

During the Pandemic they have continued to visit patients with covid wearing PPE of course. They have clinically assessed their patient’s condition, advised the GP of treatment options, arranged hospital attendance if needed and liaised with a wide variety of other health and social care colleagues. This is all supported by the HVS Admin Lead “the hub of the service” liaising with practices and staff, ensuring visits are appropriate & safe and much, much, more!

Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC)

Our Urgent Treatment Centres (UTCs) at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Folkestone and Victoria Hospital, Deal are GP-led, open at least 12 hours a day, every day and offer face-to-face appointments that can be offered as a walk-in service or booked through 111.  They are equipped to diagnose and deal with many of the most common ailments people attend A&E for.

UTCs ease the pressure on hospitals, leaving other parts of the system free to treat the most serious cases.

Our UTC teams work alongside other parts of the urgent care network including primary care, community pharmacists, ambulance, and other community-based services to provide a locally accessible and convenient alternative to A&E for patients who do not need to attend hospital.

You can go to an urgent treatment centre (UTC) if you need urgent medical attention, but it’s not a life-threatening situation.

Enhanced Access

Enhanced access is a contractual requirement for general practice.  Practices can either provide this themselves or engage with a third party provider to deliver on their behalf. The appointments offered can be either same day or routine and must be provided out of hours into the evenings and weekends.

We are offering enhanced access to appointments for patients between the hours of 6:30pm to 8:00pm Mondays to Fridays and between 9:00am and 5:00pm on Saturdays.  There will be access to a broader set of additional appointments for:

  • Wound Dressings
  • Removal of Surgical Clips & Sutures
  • Physiotherapy Assessments
  • GP & Advanced Nurse Practitioner appointments.

Ask your GP practice for further details about what can be offered.

Provided Services

Channel Health Alliance (CHA) provides a number of staff and services on behalf of Primary Care Networks (PCN’s). This means that CHA recruits, employs the staff and provides the governance (quality assurance and safety) to the staff and services it hosts for the PCN’s.

The staff and services include, The Care Homes Team who support the PCN in the delivery of the Enhanced Health in Care Homes Direct Enhanced Service, a First Contact Physiotherapist, Workflow Team who sort all the practice correspondence and the Clinical Pharmacists who support PCN practices with medicines management.

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